
Campus and departmental volume and site licenses, purchasing information.


Site License

A site license is a purchase agreement where the rights are acquired to freely duplicate and distribute a software product over an entire site.

Volume Purchase

A "volume purchase" is a purchase agreement where the rights are acquired to duplicate and distribute a fixed number of copies of a software application with a limited number of authorized copies.

Campus Licenses

ArcGIS for Personal Computers

All students, staff, and faculty at UCSB are eligible for a 12-month license to ArcGIS for their personal computers. Refer to the Library Esri ArcGIS website for details.

Mathematica for Faculty, Staff, Employed Grad Students

Mathematica is available to all faculty, staff, researchers and employed graduate students at UCSB through a site license arrangement. Contact the LSCG via a help request if you need a copy.

Mathematica for Student Access on Personal Computers

The University now has a software agreement with Wolfram that allows students with a valid UCSB email address to install Mathematica software on their personal computers. This is only for undergraduate students and graduate students who are not employed. Send an email to to obtain the instructions. This is managed by the Campus Office of Software Licensing (COSL).


The campus now has a site license for MATLAB and 50 of its toolboxes. This covers all the toolboxes used on campus. Anyone at UCSB can use MATLAB for non-commercial purposes on as many machines as they like - both on campus and at home. Visit the UCSB MathWorks page to download MATLAB.


For information on the campus SAS license, contact for details of purchase and installation.

Trellix AntiVirus

Trellix AV is available to all University-owned computers at UCSB through a site license arrangement. Installation of Trellix should be automatic for all machines when they are added to the network. Please contact us if you believe Trellix is not present on a University-owned computer.

SPSS Statistics Premium

SPSS Statistics Premium including 16 modules and AMOS is available to the UCSB community as of 2/4/2016. Follow instructions below.

  • Access to licenses for users: Submit the new form on the Information Technology at UCSB website. Users will be sent an email with the code and a link to the software.
  • All licenses allow for installing SPSS on UC-owned and personal computers.
  • Access to the software has been set up via BOX.
  • Perpetual licenses are available for Faculty, Staff, and Researchers.
  • Students can request a renewable license that expires every June.
Department Licenses


MCCA is a Microsoft licensing agreement for departments and groups that is renewed on a yearly basis. Windows and Microsoft Office licenses are provided free of charge for University-owned computers in participating groups. Current participants: CHEM, EEMB, GEOL, ICB, LSCG, MCDB, NRI.


  • ChemDraw - for participating labs
  • Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) - for participating labs
Antivirus Software

Trellix Antivirus is both available for installation and required on University-owned computers; Windows Defender can be used on privately-owned Windows computers. Antivirus software is required on all computers attached to the Life Sciences Network.


Acrobat Reader

For viewing PDFs, Acrobat Reader is provided free of charge by Adobe.

Acrobat Pro

For editing PDFs, Acrobat Pro is currently available two ways:

  • Acrobat Pro 2020 (CLP) - a perpetual license.
  • Acrobat Pro DC - a subscription-based license, renewing yearly.

Please contact us for a quote or Gateway order.

Photoshop, Illustrator...

Apps other than Acrobat are only available as subscription-based licenses. Please contact us for a quote or Gateway order.



There is a UC-wide site that has been set up for students, faculty and staff who want to acquire Endnote. The site will offer a download of the software once you make a purchase.

Ordering Software

Non Gateway Software Orders

If you do not have access to the campus Gateway Procurement System, the alternative is to order through SHI. Please submit a web request for a software quote and we'll gather the purchasing details (software title, product ID, part number, price) and forward that information to you. You can then provide your purchasing group with the product details for processing. This service is provided free of charge.

Once purchased, the software can be downloaded from the SHI website. However, the lending library of software will continue to be available through the Campus Office of Software Licensing. You will need to provide the COSL with the SHI purchase order number as they will need to verify the software license.

Software License Tracking

End users are responsible for maintaining records of software purchases and complying completely with the terms of all software licenses. These rights and restrictions are defined by a combination of Federal Copyright Laws and the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the particular software package.

Software Removal Upon Departure

Campus software agreements require that any software purchased through the Software Depot/COSL on a grant and installed on a non UC-owned computer be removed by the user at the time of departure from UCSB. This agreement applies to all departmental software (Matlab, Mathematica, ESET, etc.) as well. The software is the property of the university and must remain with the university.

Chemistry Software
See here

 Help Request

Technical support and general inquiries.
